Microsoft Office 365 - PowerApps

De training PowerApps biedt een diepgaande introductie op Microsoft PowerApps. Cursisten leren hoe ze nieuwe apps kunnen ontwerpen, testen en publiceren.

Na deze training:

  • Weet je waarbij je PowerApps kan inzetten
  • Kan je de componenten van PowerApps beschrijven beschrijven en gebruiken
  • Kan je PowerApps ontwikkelen met bestaande data sources
  • Weet je hoe je de bedrijfshuisstijl kan toevoegen in PowerApps
  • Personaliseer je PowerApps met de geautomatiseerde wizards
  • Kan je verbinding maken tussen verschillende gegevensbronnen van Excel tot Azure SQL
  • Begrijp je het verschil tussen canvas-apps en model-driven apps
  • Integreer PowerApps met andere Office 365-systemen - inclusief Teams en SharePoint Online
  • Beheer en onderhoud je PowerApps
Meer informatie

Opdrachtgestuurd leren met persoonlijke begeleiding door onze ervaren trainers

Individueel Begeleid Leren, is een leermethode waarbij je in ons leercentrum onder begeleiding van een zeer ervaren trainer de training doorloopt, in je eigen tempo, met de onderwerpen die aansluiten op jouw behoefte. 

Individueel Begeleid Leren Online - OPTIONEEL
We bieden ook een online variant aan van deze leervorm. Zo behaal je toch je leerdoelen, ook als je thuiswerkt of niet wil reizen. Samen met jouw trainingscoach stel je een lesplan op met daarin meerdere contactmomenten per dag waarbij je middels online videoverbinding één op één begeleiding krijgt. Tussen deze momenten door werk je aan praktijkopdrachten ondersteund door theorie. Geef op het inschrijfformulier aan indien je graag gebruik maakt van deze mogelijkheid. 

Efficiënt trainen: leer wat je écht nodig hebt
Omdat iedereen een verschillend kennisniveau en achtergrond heeft is het niet effectief om iedereen op hetzelfde niveau en in hetzelfde tempo te laten trainen. Door middel van een intake wordt het kennisniveau bepaald en in samenspraak met de trainer een individueel opleidingsplan samengesteld. Zo leer je alleen wat je echt nodig hebt!

Trainen met de nieuwste online leermiddelenibl1
Tijdens de training maak je gebruik van het online leerportaal. Dit geeft je de mogelijkheid om zelf te bepalen welke leermethode je voorkeur heeft; opdracht gestuurd leren of theoretisch leren. Kies je voor opdracht gestuurd leren, dan kun je praktische kennis opdoen in een volledig ingerichte online practicum omgeving onder begeleiding van onze trainer. De online omgeving blijft tot drie maanden na de training beschikbaar zodat je ná de training nog extra kunt oefenen. Theoretische kennis kun je opdoen door het volgen van online cursusmateriaal gecombineerd met de ondersteuning van de trainer die je ondersteunt bij complexe onderwerpen.

Flexibel trainen: Jij bepaalt de tijdsduur en tijdstip
Je hebt de mogelijkheid om zelf te bepalen wat de duurtijd van je training wordt. Je bepaalt (samen met ons) het aantal dagen. Je kunt deze dagen ook verspreiden over meerdere weken! 

Moderne leeromgeving: 
Wij vinden de leeromgeving net zo belangrijk. Daarom ben je op al onze locaties verzekerd van een rustige omgeving met de nieuwste apparatuur.

Liever een andere leervorm? Klik rechtsboven onder "Kies een leervorm"

Maatwerk en In-company training

Deze leervorm begint met een intakegesprek tussen een Learning Consultant van Ictivity Training en de opdrachtgever. Hierbij inventariseren we de beginsituatie, de doelstelling, de praktijksituatie en het verwachtingspatroon van de deelnemer(s). Met de gegevens maken wij het trainingsprogramma op maat.


  • De inhoud van de training wordt volledig afgestemd op jouw specifieke kennisbehoefte.
  • De tijdsduur van de training wordt aangepast aan jouw specifieke behoefte.
  • Jij bepaalt zelf de locatie van de training (incompany of op een van onze locaties).
  • De planning van de trainingen wordt afgestemd op jouw projectplanning.

Deze training is bedoeld voor beginners die bijvoorbeeld hun data entry forms in SharePoint willen optimaliseren en alles willen weten over PowerApps.

Voor deze PowerApps training is geen specifieke voorkennis nodig.

Module 1: An Introduction to PowerApps
Let’s get started with an introduction to Microsoft PowerApps. Traditionally building customised solutions for a business involved using a coding language to build an application from scratch. Typically, these solutions could often only be used within the business, making external use of the application a large hurdle to overcome. With PowerApps we can now not only easily build solutions, but we can also share them with users in our business. Deployment takes seconds and you could by testing your own app on your phone in no time. This module will overview the features of PowerApps, its benefits to a business and the variety of ways you can build and access your apps on different devices.


  • What is PowerApps?
  • The benefits of apps
  • How to get PowerApps
  • Canvas Apps and Model-Driven Apps
  • License Options and Costs
  • Discover PowerApps with Templates

Lab 1: Introduction to PowerApps

  • Try the Cost Estimator App
  • Download and Review App Design
  • Sample App of your choice
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Describe when PowerApps should be used
  • Know how to access PowerApps
  • Make design decisions based on PowerApps licenses
  • Understand that there are two type of app
  • Be able to use sample apps

Module 2: Getting Started with PowerApps
To begin our journey through the PowerApps product, we will begin by looking at some of the templates that are available to view and edit. Microsoft’s templates are a good starting point to discover what the product is capable off and how it can be achieved. We will also take the chance to have a tour of the editor so that students are familiar with the interface that they will be using over the two-day course. We will then build our first app from a static data source, showing students how to test their changes in the app instantly without the need to publish. We will also discuss how to configure your apps settings and how to access the app once it has been saved and shared.


  • Building a new app from a data source
  • Add, edit and remove controls
  • Intro to Formulas
  • Testing an app
  • App Settings
  • Publish and Share Apps
  • Version History and Restore
  • PowerApps Mobile App

Lab 1: Getting Started

  • Create App from an existing Data Source
  • Publish and Share
  • View an app on your mobile device
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Build a useful app using wizards in minutes
  • Make simple changes to existing apps
  • Know how formulas are used in PowerApps
  • Be able to test an app before it is shared
  • Restore a previous version of an app in the event of a problem
  • Use the mobile app to cosume an app

Module 3: Branding and Media
In our next module, we will look at the options available to designers that allow them to implement their business branding. Not only will this deal with the aesthetics of your app, it will also introduce time-saving tips to help keep your branding consistent. We will also be discussing how to embed media into your app which can be useful if you are planning on an app that might promote video content.


  • Less is more
  • Duplicate Screens
  • Fonts
  • Screen Colours and Matching Colours
  • Screen Backgrounds
  • Buttons and Icons
  • Hide on Timer
  • Size and Alignment by reference
  • Show and Hide on Timer

Lab 1: Branding and Media

  • Backgrounds and icons
  • Import Class Data from Excel
  • Duplicate Screen
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Customise apps backgrounds with images and colour
  • Add images and logos to an app
  • Use times to show and hide controls
  • Align and size controls

Module 4: PowerApps Controls
So far in the course, we would have covered the basics of adding, editing and removing controls from our applications. The drive behind this module is to provide more depth on the categories of controls which can be used on a form. Your instructor will take you through each control and discuss its purpose and configuration. Tackling the wide selection of controls will help students recognise when to use the right control.


  • Text Controls for Data Entry and Display
  • Controls – Drop downs, combo box, date picker, radio button and more
  • Forms – Add and edit data in underlying data sources quickly
  • Charts – present information in pie, line and bar charts

Lab 1: Build Apps from Blank

  • Create an App from the blank template
  • Add Controls to collect and display data
  • Add Formulas to allow the controls to interact
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Use a wide range of controls to give users the best data entry experience
  • Edit control properties
  • Use formulas to all multiple controls to interact with each other
  • Present information using charts
  • Module 5: Data Sources and Logic
  • To help maintain and view essential business information, organisations often have a diverse selection of locations to keep different types of data. This could range from databases to file storage locations. PowerApps offers connections to a wide selection of data sources. We will show students to build their PowerApps to bring in data from a variety of sources as well as how they can utilise the common data source, a storage location unique to PowerApps.


  • Data Storage and Services
  • How do I decide which database to use?
  • Connect to on-premises data - Gateway
  • What is Delegation?
  • Specific Data Examples
  • Displaying Data

Lab 1: Data Source and Logic

  • SharePoint List connect to App
  • Flow to collect tweets to SharePoint
  • Display Tweets in PowerApps using the Twitter service
  • Create a reply screen in PowerApps
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Connect to many data source including cloud and on premises
  • Understand the financial costs of working with different datasources
  • Understand which data sources can work with large amount of data
  • Display data using controls

Module 6: Model-Driven Apps
Module one to five discussed how to work with the original type of PowerApp known as a Canvas App, Microsoft have now introduced a second type of app known as a model-driven app. Model driven apps involve a different development process to canvas apps. We will review this development process during this module.

Model-Driven apps can be quicker to build than canvas apps, but they are less customisable and typically have a higher cost, knowing which type of app to use is not always a simple decision, we will show you the pros and cons of each.


  • What is a model-driven app?
  • Where will my data be stored?
  • How do create a model-driven app
  • Canvas vs model-driven summary
  • Lab 1: Model-Driven App
  • Switch to Model-Driven mode in PowerApps
  • Navigate the Model-Drive app interface
  • Test a Sample App
  • Edit the Sample App
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Describe the difference between a canvas app and a model-driven app
  • Access model-driven apps
  • Edit model-driven apps

Module 7: PowerApp Integration
PowerApps is designed to easily connect to other business systems to read and update information. In this module we will discuss some simple ways to integrate PowerApps with key Office 365 systems including Teams, SharePoint Online and Flow. The result, is the ability to use a combination of systems to create solutions for a variety of business requirements.


  • Embed PowerApps in Teams
  • Embed PowerApps in SharePoint Online
  • Start a Flow from a PowerApp
  • Lab 1: PowerApp Integration
  • Embed your app in MicrosoftTeams
  • Embed your app in SharePoint Online
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Know how to make PowerApps available for users via Teams and SharePoint Online
  • Understand the benefits of using PowerApps with Flow

Module 8: Administration and Maintenance of PowerApps
In our last module for Microsoft PowerApps, we will be looking at how a business can manage their existing apps. This could be using analytics to discover usage trends. We will discover how to export and import apps, so they can be reused in other locations. Finally, we will discuss how Office 365 administrators can shape the PowerApps experience with high-level settings that help ensure data segregation and security.


  • Identify which users have been using PowerApps
  • Reuse an app in another location (move from testing or development to production)
  • Review app usage
  • Prevent a user from using PowerApps
  • Manage environments
  • Lab 1: Administration and Maintenance
  • Export an app for use in another location
  • Review current PowerApp users in your test environment
  • After completing this module, students will be able to:
  • Identify who is using PowerApps in your organization
  • Prevent specific users from using the PowerApps service
  • Reuse or move existing apps
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Dagen: 2
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