Training Implementing an Azure Data Solution

Deze training leert je om verschillende data platform technologieën te gebruiken. Deze technologieën zijn geschikt voor de bedrijfskundige en technische processen waaronder on-premises, cloud en hybrid data scenarios, je gebruikt hier zowel relational als No-SQL data. Daarnaast leer je hoe je data kan verwerken door middel van verschillende technologieën en talen voor streaming en batch data.

Deze training leert je hoe je data security implementeert, zoals authenticatie, autorisatie, data policies en standaarden. Je leert hoe je data solution monitoring kan definiëren en implementeren, voor zowel data storage als data processing activiteiten. Als laatste leer je hoe je Azure data solutions kan beheren en troubleshoot toe kan passen. Dit bestaat uit het optimaliseren en herstellen van big data, batch processing en streaming data solutions.

Meer informatie

Klassikale training

Het is ook mogelijk om de training virtueel te volgen. Dezelfde leerervaring als klassikaal waarbij je de trainer en medecuristen ziet en hoort maar dan vanaf thuis. De planning en kosten blijven gelijk. 

Een klassikale cursus van Ictivity Training geeft je de garantie dat je uitstekend wordt opgeleid in een moderne comfortabele leeromgeving door deKlaslokaal meest deskundige trainers op hun vakgebied. In aaneengesloten dagen volg je de training op één van onze locaties. Tijdens de klassikale training heb je de beschikking over moderne apparatuur in een rustige leeromgeving. Trainingen bestaan uit een gedeelte theorie maar je krijgt ook veel oefeningen die de dagelijkse praktijk nabootsen.

Ictivity Training heeft in Nederland locaties in Utrecht (Vianen) en Eindhoven, tevens is het mogelijk om een locatie naar wens aan te vragen. Indien je niet wenst te reizen, kun je de training remote volgen via Virtual Classroom


Maatwerk en In-company training

Deze leervorm begint met een intakegesprek tussen een Learning Consultant van Ictivity Training en de opdrachtgever. Hierbij inventariseren we de beginsituatie, de doelstelling, de praktijksituatie en het verwachtingspatroon van de deelnemer(s). Met de gegevens maken wij het trainingsprogramma op maat.


  • De inhoud van de training wordt volledig afgestemd op jouw specifieke kennisbehoefte.
  • De tijdsduur van de training wordt aangepast aan jouw specifieke behoefte.
  • Jij bepaalt zelf de locatie van de training (incompany of op een van onze locaties).
  • De planning van de trainingen wordt afgestemd op jouw projectplanning.

Deze training is bedoeld voor Data Professionals, Data Architecten en Business Intelligence professionals die over de data platform technologieën op Microsoft Azure willen leren. Deze training is ook geschikt voor jou als je applicaties wilt ontwikkelen die content leveren van de data platform technologieën op Microsoft Azure.

Training Microsoft Azure fundamentals of vergelijkbare kennis
Enige professionele ervaring met Azure

Module 1: Azure for the Data Engineer

This module explores how the world of data has evolved and how cloud data platform technologies are providing new opportunities for businesses to explore their data in different ways. The students will gain an overview of the various data platform technologies that are available and how a Data Engineer's role and responsibilities has evolved to work in this new world to an organization's benefit.

  • Explain the evolving world of data
  • Survey the services in the Azure Data Platform
  • Identify the tasks that are performed by a Data Engineer
  • Describe the use cases for the cloud in a Case Study


  • Identify the evolving world of data
  • Determine the Azure Data Platform Services
  • Identify tasks to be performed by a Data Engineer
  • Finalize the data engineering deliverables

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Explain the evolving world of data
  • Survey the services in the Azure Data Platform
  • Identify the tasks that are performed by a Data Engineer
  • Describe the use cases for the cloud in a Case Study

Module 2: Working with Data Storage

This module teaches the variety of ways to store data in Azure. The students will learn the basics of storage management in Azure, how to create a Storage Account, and how to choose the right model for the data want to be stored in the cloud. They will also understand how Data Lake storage can be created to support a wide variety of big data analytics solutions with minimal effort.

  • Choose a data storage approach in Azure
  • Create an Azure Storage Account
  • Explain Azure Data Lake storage
  • Upload data into Azure Data Lake


  • Choose a data storage approach in Azure
  • Create a Storage Account
  • Explain Data Lake Storage
  • Upload data into Data Lake Store

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Choose a data storage approach in Azure
  • Create an Azure Storage Account
  • Explain Azure Data Lake Storage
  • Upload data into Azure Data Lake

Module 3: Enabling Team Based Data Science with Azure Databricks

This module introduces students to Azure Databricks and how a Data Engineer works with it to enable an organization to perform Team Data Science projects. They will learn the fundamentals of Azure Databricks and Apache Spark notebooks; how to provision the service and workspaces; and how to perform data preparation task that can contribute to the data science project.

  • Explain Azure Databricks
  • Work with Azure Databricks
  • Read data with Azure Databricks
  • Perform transformations with Azure Databricks


  • Explain Azure Databricks
  • Work with Azure Databricks
  • Read data with Azure Databricks
  • Perform transformations with Azure Databricks

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Explain Azure Databricks
  • Work with Azure Databricks
  • Read data with Azure Databricks
  • Perform transformations with Azure Databricks

Module 4: Building Globally Distributed Databases with Cosmos DB

In this module, students will learn how to work with NoSQL data using Azure Cosmos DB. They will learn how to provision the service, how they can load and interrogate data in the service using Visual Studio Code extensions, and the Azure Cosmos DB .NET Core SDK. They will also learn how to configure the availability options so that users are able to access the data from anywhere in the world.

  • Create an Azure Cosmos DB database built to scale
  • Insert and query data in your Azure Cosmos DB database
  • Build a .NET Core app for Cosmos DB in Visual Studio Code
  • Distribute data globally with Azure Cosmos DB


  • Create an Azure Cosmos DB
  • Insert and query data in Azure Cosmos DB
  • Build a .Net Core App for Azure Cosmos DB using VS Code
  • Distribute data globally with Azure Cosmos DB

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Create an Azure Cosmos DB database built to scale
  • Insert and query data in your Azure Cosmos DB database
  • Build a .NET Core app for Azure Cosmos DB in Visual Studio Code
  • Distribute data globally with Azure Cosmos DB

Module 5: Working with Relational Data Stores in the Cloud

In this module, students will explore the Azure relational data platform options, including SQL Database and SQL Data Warehouse. The students will be able explain why they would choose one service over another, and how to provision, connect, and manage each of the services.

  • Use Azure SQL Database
  • Describe Azure SQL Data Warehouse
  • Creating and Querying an Azure SQL Data Warehouse
  • Use PolyBase to Load Data into Azure SQL Data Warehouse


  • Use Azure SQL Database
  • Describe Azure SQL Data Warehouse
  • Creating and Querying an Azure SQL Data Warehouse
  • Use PolyBase to Load Data into Azure SQL Data Warehouse

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Use Azure SQL Database
  • Describe Azure Data Warehouse
  • Create and Query an Azure SQL Data Warehouse
  • Use PolyBase to Load Data into Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Module 6: Performing Real-Time Analytics with Stream Analytics

In this module, students will learn the concepts of event processing and streaming data and how this applies to Events Hubs and Azure Stream Analytics. The students will then set up a stream analytics job to stream data and learn how to query the incoming data to perform analysis of the data. Finally, they will learn how to manage and monitor running jobs.

  • Explain data streams and event processing
  • Data Ingestion with Event Hubs
  • Processing Data with Stream Analytics Jobs


  • Explain data streams and event processing
  • Data Ingestion with Event Hubs
  • Processing Data with Stream Analytics Jobs

After completing this module, students will:

  • Be able to explain data streams and event processing
  • Understand Data Ingestion with Event Hubs
  • Understand Processing Data with Stream Analytics Jobs

Module 7: Orchestrating Data Movement with Azure Data Factory

In this module, students will learn how Azure Data Factory can be used to orchestrate the data movement and transformation from a wide range of data platform technologies. They will be able to explain the capabilities of the technology and be able to set up an end to end data pipeline that ingests and transforms data.

  • Explain how Azure Data Factory works
  • Azure Data Factory Components
  • Azure Data Factory and Databricks


  • Explain how Data Factory Works
  • Azure Data Factory Components
  • Azure Data Factory and Databricks

After completing this module, students will:

  • Understand Azure Data Factory and Databricks
  • Understand Azure Data Factory Components
  • Be able to explain how Azure Data Factory works

Module 8: Securing Azure Data Platforms

In this module, students will learn how Azure provides a multi-layered security model to protect data. The students will explore how security can range from setting up secure networks and access keys, to defining permission, to monitoring across a range of data stores.

  • An introduction to security
  • Key security components
  • Securing Storage Accounts and Data Lake Storage
  • Securing Data Stores
  • Securing Streaming Data


  • An introduction to security
  • Key security components
  • Securing Storage Accounts and Data Lake Storage
  • Securing Data Stores
  • Securing Streaming Data

After completing this module, students will:

  • Have an introduction to security
  • Understand key security components
  • Understand securing Storage Accounts and Data Lake Storage
  • Understand securing Data Stores
  • Understand securing Streaming Data

Module 9: Monitoring and Troubleshooting Data Storage and Processing

In this module, the students will get an overview of the range of monitoring capabilities that are available to provide operational support should there be issue with a data platform architecture. They will explore the common data storage and data processing issues. Finally, disaster recovery options are revealed to ensure business continuity.

  • Explain the monitoring capabilities that are available
  • Troubleshoot common data storage issues
  • Troubleshoot common data processing issues
  • Manage disaster recovery


  • Explain the monitoring capabilities that are available
  • Troubleshoot common data storage issues
  • Troubleshoot common data processing issues
  • Manage disaster recovery

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Explain the monitoring capabilities that are available
  • Troubleshoot common data storage issues
  • Troubleshoot common data processing issues
  • Manage disaster recovery

Je kunt hier het examen boeken voor deze training: DP-200

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Leerzame training met veel tips
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Carien gaf duidelijke uitleg en wilde zo veel mogelijk van haar kennis delen.

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Code: DP-200
Leervorm:    Klassikaal
Dagen: 3
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